Monthly Archives: June 2013

Toddlers need you to help calm them

Did you know? Your toddler needs you to help calm him down….even when he is in trouble? Pick them up and help calm them even when they are in trouble. Your heart beat and active breathing calms his inner state. So remember you are not telling him the behavior is...

Self-regulation and IQ scores

Did you know? Two decades of research tell us that self-regulation is a better predictor of academic success than IQ scores or entry-level reading and math skills. The way parents treat each other is even more powerful for a child’s development of self-regulation than the way parents treat the child....

Adding tools to your toolbox

Interested in adding tools to your toolbox to help handle these personality types? Contact me regarding “Parenting on the Same Page” Parent series. There are four basic personality types of children when it comes to handling frustration: 1. Trier – Child patiently persists 2. Crier – Child gets frustrated and...