1st day of school Tips!

Looking for a smooth first day of school?

Understand the child’s perspective…. they are asking themselves 3 questions

1. Am I safe?
2. Am I loved?
3. What can I learn?

As parents and teachers we are trying to help them get to the 3rd question! See below for ways to answer these questions.

Follow some or all of these tips:

1. When you go to bed tonight…talk about some new and exciting things that they will see at school.

2. When you are in the car….go through the drop off step by step. Have them repeat it to you. This creates order and predictability for the child which answers the question “Am I safe?”
-We will drop off your lunchbag, go say hi to your teacher, give them a hug or a high five, and then give me a goodbye kiss, and then choose something to play on.

3. During dropoff, go directly to your child’s teacher and say ” Remember your teacher is going to keep you safe” Have them exchange a greeting.

4. Tonight think about a special goodbye kiss or hug for school. Then practice this tonight. Ex: ( kiss on nose, kiss on cheeks, and then bear hug)

Wishing you well with you and your child’s First Day of School!

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