About: Connecting A to Z

Recent Posts by Connecting A to Z

1986 Phone Challenge for Mommies

  What happened to playing at the park or simply sitting and watching your kiddos run through a sprinkler without seeing what’s happening in the rest of the world? Facebook, email, texting… These are just some of the things that get in the way of being present with our children....

1st day of school Tips!

Looking for a smooth first day of school? Understand the child’s perspective…. they are asking themselves 3 questions 1. Am I safe? 2. Am I loved? 3. What can I learn? As parents and teachers we are trying to help them get to the 3rd question! See below for ways...

Toddlers need you to help calm them

Did you know? Your toddler needs you to help calm him down….even when he is in trouble? Pick them up and help calm them even when they are in trouble. Your heart beat and active breathing calms his inner state. So remember you are not telling him the behavior is...

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